Committed to our District Businesses
- Redevelopment Liquor License
- Continued Public Infrastructure Improvements
- Positive Promotional Activity
- Business Seminars
- Professional Downtown Management
Brownfield Redevelopment
DDA Assistance
Steps to redevelopment a Brownfield Site in Imlay City:
- Contact the City of Imlay City to discuss redevelopment plans. All property within the city limits is incorporated in the Brownfield Redevelopment District. (A map is provided below)
- Establish an approved Brownfield Plan for the property in conjunction with the City of Imlay City and the Imlay City Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
- Apply to the Michigan Department of Treasury and the Michigan Economic Growth Authority for project approval.
- Complete the outlined project within a five year time period.
- Claim the approved Single Business Tax Credit for the project from the State of Michigan.
Completed EGLE Environmental Studies

Facade Loan and Grant Programs
Facade and Architecture Service Grant Program
The Imlay City DDA offers businesses within the DDA district grant money for the specific use to improve facades and signage.
The DDA will consider applications for grants of up to fifty (50%) percent of the eligible costs not to exceed $5,000, dependent on the type of project. Projects will have to be in accordance certain guidelines and the location of the business must be inside of the DDA District.
Program Objectives:
- Improve/upgrade vacant or underutilized historic building to accommodate new uses.
- Enhance the unique aesthetic appeal of downtown related to its architecture by encouraging the rehabilitation of certified historic structures.
- Stimulate new investment into district buildings to increase the property value and the economic potential of participating properties.
Imlay City Facade Loan Program
Loans are available for façade improvements in the City of Imlay City Downtown and Commercial Districts. For more information, please contact the DDA at 810-724-2135 ext 1307 or the Lapeer Development Corporation at 810-667-0080. .
The Imlay City Façade Loan Program was created to encourage economic investment, building improvement, and revitalization in the historic downtown district of Imlay City. This is a different program than the Commercial Façade Grant Program which has a maximum grant match of $5,000.
The Imlay City Downtown Development Authority’s mission is to enhance the city by encouraging an environment conducive to business activity. We know that public spaces; safe streets and sidewalks; and a strong residential community will all help our businesses grow and thrive. But, we also know that our businesses must do their part by preserving the historical nature of the buildings they occupy and by actively improving and maintaining the appearance of properties.
First Impressions
The Imlay City Downtown Development Authority believes that first impressions mean a lot. While good service, attractive prices, and the right merchandise or services are necessary for business to survive, appearance is also a crucial element of your success as a business owner here in the Imlay City Historic Depot District. A storefront that is clean and inviting has the advantage of attracting potential customers by projecting images of success and prosperity. In other words, to bring new customers in, you have to look good! Luckily, looking good doesn’t have to cost a fortune. There are a number of physical improvements available at reasonable costs. The Façade Loan Program can offer financial assistance to ensure your property remains a viable part of this community.
How to Apply
- First, fill out the application and return it to the Imlay City Downtown Development Authority office.
- The applicant will then receive a set of design guidelines which should be passed on to the applicant’s architect.
- The applicant, his/her architect, the Executive Director of the Imlay City Downtown Development Authority and the Design Committee meet to discuss preliminary design considerations.
- The applicant submits a drawing with written recommendations of the architect to the Executive Director of the DDA. The project will then be evaluated to ensure it meets all design requirements.
- Assuming design requirements are met, the Executive Director will recommend that the Design Committee approve the design project. The DDA Design Committee will then review the project design and will make a recommendation to the Imlay City Downtown Development Authority Board.
- Financial agreements will be made, and the project may proceed.
*All building & site improvements are subject to all reviews and approvals as required by Imlay City codes and ordinances.
Revolving Loan Program
Lapeer Development Corporation offers the revolving loan program fund to small businesses, financing of up to $100,000 for fixed asset financing or working capital purposes in cooperation with the banking community.
The interest rate offered for this type of loan is 2% below Detroit Prime, adjusted annually, with variable terms from 36 months to 15 years, depending on the specific project. For more information, please contact the DDA at 810-724-2135 or the Lapeer Development Corporation at 810-667-0080.
Redevelopment Liquor License
DDA Assistance
Through the provisions of Public Act 501 of 2006, the Liquor Control Commission may issue new public on-premises liquor licenses to local units of government. In order to allow cities to enhance the quality of life for their residents and visitors to their communities, the LCC may issue public on-premises licenses in addition to those quota licenses allowed in cities under section 531 (1) of the Michigan Liquor Control Code, Public Act 58 of 1998 as amended.
The Imlay City Downtown Development Authority can assist individuals or businesses interested in the Redevelopment Liquor License process. Please click on the link below for general State of Michigan requirements. Please contact Christine Malzahn, director of the Imlay City DDA, if you have further questions regarding the process. 810-724-2135